Bird Control Measures for Shade Structures

Bird Control Measures for Shade Structures

Like any outdoor structure, roofing over sporting facilities can sometimes attract birds looking for warmth, shelter, and a dry place to rest. Bird control measures for shade structures are important to consider, as birds are often drawn to the same protective qualities that make these canopies beneficial to people.

While we design canopies to minimise exposed supporting steelwork, reducing potential nesting spots, it’s not uncommon for some birds to find a way to make themselves at home in the rafters. Every location can present different challenges when it comes to managing bird activity, so it’s essential to tailor your approach based on your local conditions and budget.

We always recommend seeking advice from local wildlife experts or professional pest and bird control services. Experiences can vary greatly even between nearby locations, so a customised solution is best.

Here are five bird control methods we’ve seen successfully adopted by bowls clubs, schools, and stadiums:

Bird Spikes

Examples of Bird Spikes

Bird spikes are typically used on flat, exposed steel surfaces to deter larger birds from landing. They can be an effective solution to prevent birds from resting on hard surfaces but are generally limited to specific areas.

The downside of Bird Spikes are that they disrupt the pleasing architectural lines of your structure. The spikes can also gather feathers and droppings which can be nd make the cleaning of your structure more difficult. unhygienic.

Anti-Bird Wires

Examples of Anti-Bird Wires

Bird Wires are similar in nature to Bird Spikes – smaller V-shaped brackets support two wires along the entire length of a beam or connection point. The raised wires that disrupt the landing surfaces for larger birds. Similar to spikes, they are a moderately effective solution to prevent birds from resting on surfaces.

The main difference is they have a more aesthetically pleasing profile than spikes. However, similar to spikes, they make cleaning the top surfaces of your steelwork more of a challenge.

Bird Netting

Example of Bird Netting on School COLAs

Bird netting offers a broad deterrent, though some birds, particularly smarter species like native parrots and galahs, may see the netting as a challenge to overcome.

Over time, netting may fray and require replacement, so long-term maintenance should be factored into planning.

Sonic Bird Scarer

Audio Scarer
This device emits sounds such as bird distress and predator calls to deter birds from large open spaces. Trial and error may be required to find the most effective bird sound, duration and volume four location.

It can be effective for light to medium bird activity, though additional methods may be needed for persistent nesting birds.

Laser Bird Scarer

Bird Laser

Laser deterrents can be set up to project beams across open areas, depending on the layout. These systems require power and an accessible isolation switch.

The least economical deterrent on our list, it pays to shop around and be mindful that lower-cost options may come with limited functionality and fewer safety features. It’s important to consult with the supplier for specific installation requirements.

When considering bird control measures for shade structures, it’s essential to evaluate different solutions, seek advice from bird control specialists, and consult with local authorities to find the right approach for your needs.